Field Visit Opportunity!

Visit with Six LGBTQ Agencies in Montreal

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Organized by the Chaire de recherche sur l’homophobie (UQAM), Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues (SOGII) section of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), and International Psychology Network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues (IPsyNet) of the American Psychological Association (APA).



If you are an advocate for LGBTQ rights, a scholar, a student, or a person interested in developing or improving services for the LGBTQ community in your country, you are invited to join us in the field visit of six of the main LGBTQ organizations in Montreal. With community leaders working for several years and supporting the LGBTQ community in Montreal, you will be introduced to campaigns on the recognition of sexual and gender diversity, a gender and sexual diversity support line, the first agency to introduce the day against homophobia and transphobia in the world, issues related to LGBTQ families, knowledge mobilization in LGBTQ concerns, and the work in schools to demystify LGBTQ realities. The experiences of the community leaders will inspire future generations of individuals who want to improve the lives of LGBTQ people around the world. Participation is free, but advanced registration is required. Written materials will be provided to attendees (either in English or French).

Description (en français)

 Si vous êtes un défenseur des droits LGBTQ, un chercheur, un étudiant ou une personne intéressée par le développement ou l'amélioration des services pour la communauté LGBTQ dans votre pays, vous êtes invités à une visite organisée de six organismes LGBTQ majeurs à Montréal. En rencontrant des leaders communautaires travaillant depuis plusieurs années pour la communauté LGBTQ à Montréal, vous en apprendrez davantage sur les campagnes de reconnaissance de la diversité sexuelle et de genre, sur un service d’assistance téléphonique dédié à la diversité sexuelle et de genre, sur le premier organisme communautaire qui a créé une journée contre l'homophobie et la transphobie dans le monde, sur les enjeux des familles LGBTQ, sur la mobilisation des connaissances sur les enjeux LGBTQ et sur le travail accompli dans les écoles pour démystifier les réalités LGBTQ. Les expériences de ces leaders communautaires inspireront les futures générations de personnes voulant améliorer la vie des personnes LGBTQ à travers le monde. La participation est gratuite, mais les personnes intéressées doivent s’inscrire à l’avance. Des documents écrits en anglais ou en français seront remis aux participants.

Date: June 28, 2018
Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00.
Duration: Three hours.
Place: The location details will be provided to you once your registration has been confirmed. 
Language: English (but presenters are bilingual and you may speak with them in French or English)
Cost: Free
Transportation: Access by subway (25 minutes aprox) or taxi (14 minutes aprox) from the Palais de Congrès. Also, accessible from any other subway station. Please be in front of the building 5 minutes before the visit. 
Materials: Written materials will be provided in English or French.

Registration for the field trip has reached capacity. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please send an email to 



9:00 - 9:30: Quebec LGBT Council

In order to make sure all gender and sexual diversities are recognized and respected, the CQ-LGBT seeks to strengthen the rights we’ve acquired, and actively campaigns for the rights still being denied to some. The Council also ensures that the province’s policies and guidelines are adapted to the needs and realities of LGBTQ communities. Acting as a federation, the CQ-LGBT hopes to unite its members’ voices and spread the resources, leadership, education and creativity they put forward every day.

9:30 - 10:00: Interligne - Talking Gender & Sexual Diversity

Interligne is a first response centre that provides help and information to those concerned with sexual orientation and gender diversity. Because our services are accessible 24 hours/day, we are able to offer support to the LGBTQ+ communities, their friends and family and to service providers in the health, education and social service sectors. Through our outreach and awareness activities, we also promote greater openness to LGBTQ+ realities.   

10:00 - 10:30: Fondation Emergence: 

Fondation Émergence’s mission is to instruct and inform the population at large as well as raise awareness about LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and other people who belong to a sexual or gender minority) realities. This organism was the first in the world to establish the day against homophobia and transphobia.

10:30 - 11:00: LGBT Family Coalition: 

The LGBT Family Coalition works for the legal and social recognition of LGBT families in collaboration with government bodies and the media, as well as working to increase our visibility and raising public awareness about our diverse realities.

11:00 - 11:30: Chair of Research Homophobia: 

The Chaire de recherche sur l’homophobie is an association of government, community and university partners who wish to contribute to the recognition of the realities of sexual and gender minorities by means of in-depth study and knowledge mobilization acquired through the development, implementation and evaluation of programs and measures for fighting against discrimination and the different forms of exclusion, denigration and belittling of these individuals.

11:30 - 12:00: GRIS Montreal: 

GRIS-Montréal is non-profit organization founded in 1994 with a mission to ensure a better awareness of the homosexual and bisexual reality and to make it easier for gays, lesbians and bisexuals to integrate into society. Since the values of our youths are being shaped in school and since schools are where knowledge takes precedence over ignorance, we have chosen to focus most of our actions in the school to demystify homosexuality and bisexuality. We work mainly in High schools and cégeps in the Greater Montréal Area and have adapted our workshops for students in third cycle of Elementary schools. GRIS volunteers also operate more and more with other clients such as French-language learning classes, youth centers, workplaces or seniors’ centers.