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Conference Program

A pre-conference at the International Congress of Applied Psychology

Moving LGBTQ Psychology Forward Together!

It is a pleasure to welcome you to The International LGBTQ Psychology Pre-Conference at ICAP 2018. The conference is being held in Montreal, Quebec on June 24th & 25th, 2018 as one of the pre-conferences for the 2018 International Congress of Applied Psychology, which is being held in conjunction with the Canadian Psychological Association’s Annual Convention. 

The conference theme is “Preaching to the Choir” of International LGBTQ Psychology researchers. What do you want to share with others in the field of LGBTQ Psychology? What methods, research questions, samples, and findings are important for moving the field forward and ensuring that our research collectively remains on the cutting edge? Where will the field be in 5, 10, 20 years? What can be learned from the history of this new field? 

Moving LGBTQ Psychology Forward Together


  • Theories of anti-LGBTQ prejudice

  • Methods of studying and recruiting LGBTQ populations

  • Measuring sexual and gender identity

  • Encouraging & Teaching LGBTQ-inclusive research methods

  • Two-spirit and indigenous experiences of gender and sexuality

  • Getting LGBTQ (youth) research approved by ethics boards

  • Intersections with other identities (race, ability, SES, gender identity, nationality, etc.)

  • What is the future of LGBTQ Psychology?

  • Historical overviews of LGBTQ Psychology's past and progress

  • Rifts / Points of contention within LGBTQ Psychology

  • Global perspectives on LGBTQ Psychology

  • Diversity within LGBTQ communities

In order for LGBTQ Psychology to be an effective scientific discipline, it must achieve two goals:

  1. Disseminate LGBTQ Psychological Research to a broad academic and clinical audience in order to improve the uptake and utilization of research findings;

  2. Advance the field of LGBTQ Psychology as a separate and valid area of inquiry within the broader field of psychological science.

Meeting these two goals can require separate approaches to research dissemination. While the first might require presenting a form of your research that can be understood and used by a broad, non-LGBTQ-expert audience, the latter requires that researchers in the field learn from each other in order to advance methods of best practice within the field and generate dialogue concerning the field’s challenges, debates, and controversies.

The 2018 Conference is designed to meet both of these goals! The pre-conference invites you to “Preach to the Choir” and move the field of LGBTQ Psychology forward, while the general Congress provides the opportunity to reach more generalist audiences in other areas of Psychology from around the world. 

Featured Speakers

Dr. Sari van Anders, University of Michigan

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Dr. Sari van Anders is Associate Professor of Psychology and Women’s Studies at the University of Michigan, and is affiliated with Science, Technology, and Society as well as Neuroscience. Dr. van Anders’ research sets out new ways to conceptualize, understand, and map gender/sex, sexual diversity, and sexuality, and also provides unique tools and theories for feminist and queer bioscience, focusing on social neuroendocrinology. Dr. van Anders' scholarship has been recognized with awards such as the 2016 Distinguished Publication Award from the Association for Women in Psychology, the 2012 Ira and Harriet Reiss Theory Award from the Foundation for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, the 2013 Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions from APS, and Dr. van Anders has been named a “Scientist to Watch” by The Scientist. Dr. van Anders is Editor of the Annual Review of Sex Research, Associate Editor of Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity as well as Sexual and Relationship Therapy, and has been recognized with the 2016 Committee on Women in Psychology Leadership Award from APA.

Dr. Carlos Santos, Arizona State University


Dr. Carlos Santos is an Assistant Professor at Department of Social Welfare at the University of California, Los Angeles. He received his Ph.D. and B.A. from New York University and a master’s degree from Harvard. Dr Santos was awarded the Emerging Professional Contributions to Research Award from the Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race, a division of the APA. He was among the graduate students who attended the International LGBT Psychology Summer Institute at the University of Michigan in 2008. Dr Santos is a co-editor of Studying Ethnic Identity: Methodological and Conceptual Approaches Across Disciplines published by APA.

Special Issue of Psychology & Sexuality

Authors of accepted presentations will be invited to submit a manuscript based on their presentation for consideration in a special issue of Psychology & Sexuality. Please note that acceptance of a presentation for the pre-conference does not guarantee acceptance of a paper for the special issue, as space will be limited. The deadline for manuscript submission is December 20, 2018. To learn more, please click here

Scientific Committee
Karen L. Blair - St. Francis Xavier University - Canada - Program Chair & Host
Daragh McDermott - Anglia Ruskin University - UK
Todd Morrison - University of Saskatchewan - Canada
Lisa M. Diamond - University of Utah - USA
Lisa Couperthwaite - University of Toronto - Canada
Jeffery Adams - Massey University - New Zealand
Eric Julian Manalastas - University of the Philippines
Alexander Moreno - UQAM - Quebec, Canada
Rhea Ashley Hoskin - Queen's University - Canada
Devan Kronisch - University of Victoria - Canada
Ashleigh Yule - University of Calgary - Canada

IPsyNet Programming Committee Members:
Julie Koch - Oklahoma State University - USA
Dagoberto Heredia Jr. - Texas A&M University - USA
Sharon G. Horne - University of Massachusetts Boston - USA
Roberto L. Abreu - University of Kentucky - USA
Joseph Roy Gillis - University of Toronto (OISE) - Canada
Clinton W. Anderson - APA & IPsyNet - USA


Important Dates


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