2017 Annual CPA Convention
Pre-Convention Workshops
SOGII is sponsoring a half-day pre-convention workshop this year on June 7th. See the description and registration button below.
Workshop: Counselling LGBTQ+ Individuals
June 7, 2017 - 1:00pm - 5pm
4 Continuing Education Credits
Kevin Alderson & Ashleigh Yule
Significant social changes in Canada over the past 10 years have led to both increased visibility and earlier “coming out” experiences for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and others expressing sexual and/or gender diversity (LGBTQ+). Research clearly demonstrates that many LGBTQ+ individuals encounter physical, psychological, and social risk factors, including violence, harassment, poverty and underemployment, homelessness, academic challenges, and difficulty accessing medical services. Most clinicians, however, have received little to no training in working with LGBTQ+ individuals. At the same time, research clearly demonstrates the critical role of social acceptance and affirmative approaches in supporting the mental health and needs of LGBTQ+ individuals across the lifespan.
This 4-hour workshop will provide relevant and practical information regarding assessing and counselling LGBTQ+ clients. We will explore evidence-based practical strategies to create safer, more inclusive, and competent counselling environments for LGBTQ+ clients. Participants will also review concepts related to gender identity, gender expression, sexual and affectional orientation, and will have opportunity to update vocabularies and terminology in these areas. Presenters will share data-informed best practices for counselling LGBTQ+ clients through didactic, interactive, and role-play modalities. We will also review case examples and first-person narratives to support participants in perspective taking and empathy building for the LGBTQ+ clients in their practices and programs.
Registration Costs**:
- $100+ HST for CPA Members
- $150+ HST for Non-CPA Members
You do not need to be attending the CPA Conference in order to attend a pre-convention workshop. However, pre-convention workshop registrants are elibile for discounted registration to the main conference. More information can be found here.
**A limited number of scholarships are available to attend this workshop. Please send an email to cpasogii@gmail.com with your CV and a cover letter explaining why you would like to attend the workshop and why you are in need of financial assistance to do so.**
Additional LGBTQ+ Programming at CPA 2017
Click here to see the rest of the LGBTQ+ Psychology Program for CPA 2017.