2017 Annual CPA Convention

The Annual CPA Convention is being held in Toronto from June 7 - 10, 2017. For more information about the general conference, please visit the main conference website. Registration is now open. 

SOGII @ CPA: Canadian LGBTQ Psychology

Below you will find information about the SOGII Sponsored Pre-Convention Workshop and the general LGBTQ Programming at the main conference. To view the full CPA Program, click here

2017 Featured SOGII Speaker 

Dr. Daragh McDermott, PhD
Acting Head of Psychology Department
Anglia Ruskin University

Thursday, June 8, 2017  - Tudor 8, Main Mezzainine 

The Changing Nature of Prejudice Towards Sexual Minority Men: Ambivalent Homoprejudice Theory

Abstract: The prevailing trend within academic literature emerging from Westernised nations is that prejudice towards sexual minority men is, largely, declining. Yet, concurrently, data collected from gay and bisexual respondents challenges this assertion with evidence demonstrating that the effects of prejudice and discrimination are still apparent.

The key question facing academics at this juncture is how to account for this discrepancy between attitude measurement and sexual minorities lived experiences? One potential explanation is that current conceptualisations of prejudice are not sensitive enough to account for contemporary attitudes towards sexual minorities. For example, prejudice towards gay men has almost exclusively been characterised in terms of hostility in the academic literature. However, myriad other groups have been found to be targets of ambivalent prejudice, comprising both negative and positive attitudes. While some work has sought to extend this theorising to sexual minorities in the past, they have done so based on a paucity of literature and primary data. As a result, questions are raised about such theories’ validity.

In this session, a novel theoretical framework of prejudice towards gay men that seeks to account for the limitations of extant theorising, which incorporates adversarial, repellent, romanticised, and paternalistic attitudes will be described. In doing so, the underlying theoretical tenets of ‘Ambivalent Homoprejudice Theory’, alongside supportive qualitative evidence collected from both heterosexual and gay respondents, will be explored.

Pre-Convention Workshop

SOGII is sponsoring a half-day pre-convention workshop this year on June 7th. See the description and registration button below. 

Workshop:  Counselling LGBTQ+ Individuals
June 7, 2017 - 1:00pm - 5pm
4 Continuing Education Credits
Kevin Alderson & Ashleigh Yule


Significant social changes in Canada over the past 10 years have led to both increased visibility and earlier “coming out” experiences for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and others expressing sexual and/or gender diversity (LGBTQ+). Research clearly demonstrates that many LGBTQ+ individuals encounter physical, psychological, and social risk factors, including violence, harassment, poverty and underemployment, homelessness, academic challenges, and difficulty accessing medical services. Most clinicians, however, have received little to no training in working with LGBTQ+ individuals. At the same time, research clearly demonstrates the critical role of social acceptance and affirmative approaches in supporting the mental health and needs of LGBTQ+ individuals across the lifespan.

This 4-hour workshop will provide relevant and practical information regarding assessing and counselling LGBTQ+ clients. We will explore evidence-based practical strategies to create safer, more inclusive, and competent counselling environments for LGBTQ+ clients. Participants will also review concepts related to gender identity, gender expression, sexual and affectional orientation, and will have opportunity to update vocabularies and terminology in these areas. Presenters will share data-informed best practices for counselling LGBTQ+ clients through didactic, interactive, and role-play modalities. We will also review case examples and first-person narratives to support participants in perspective taking and empathy building for the LGBTQ+ clients in their practices and programs.

**A limited number of scholarships are available to attend this workshop. Please send an email to cpasogii@gmail.com with your CV and a cover letter explaining why you would like to attend the workshop and why you are in need of financial assistance to do so.**

Main Conference: LGBTQ Programming

Thursday - June 8, 2017

10:45am - Symposium - Sociopolitical Ideology (ID: 15283) - Tudor 8, Main Mezzanine 

10:45am - Symposium - The Intersections of Identity, Class, Behaviour, Access and Perception in LGBTQ Health (ID: 15943) - British Columbian - Mezzanine 

3:00pm - Symposium - Improving Our Understanding of Relationship & Sexual Functioning in Mixed-Sex and Same-Sex Couples (ID: 15915) - Quebec - Mezzanine 

4:15pm - Featured Speaker - The Changing Nature of Prejudice Towards Sexual Minority Men: Ambivalent Homoprejudice Theory - Dr. Daragh McDermott (ID: 15914) - Tudor 8, Main Mezzanine

4:35pm - GIMME-5 - Beyond the Rainbow Flag: Does Group Identification Moderate the Impact of Collective Autonomy Threat on Personal Autonomy Among Members of the LGBTQ+ Community? (ID: 17267) - Foyer 1 - Main Mezzanine

4:40pm - GIMME-5 - Effects of Ovulation and Attraction on Women’s Judgment of Male Sexual Orientation (ID: 15566) - Foyer 1 - Main Mezzanine

5:30pm - Section Business Meeting: Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Issues Section Business Meeting (ID: 15720) - Tudor 8, Main Mezzanine

Friday - June 9, 2017

10:00am - Poster Session - Salon B & Ballroom 

Exploring Risk and Protective Factors of Self-Injury Engagement among Sexual and Gender Minority Youth (ID: 16785)

10:00am - Symposium - The Dynamics of Social Network Approval / Disapproval, in Marginalized and Non-Marginalized Relationships (ID: 15689) - Prince Edward Island, Main Mezzanine

2:14pm - Poster Session - Salon B & Ballroom 

Multiple Discriminations in High School: The Role of Family and School Support on Sexual Orientation & Racial Discriminations (ID: 16102)

2:25 - GIMME 5 - Foyer 1 - Overlapping Spectrums: Gender Diversity & Autism, Ashleigh Yule

4:00pm - Poster Session - Salon B & Ballroom

Minding Others' Manners: Homonegative Attitudes and Behavioural Expectations of Victims in Anti-Gay Hate Crimes (ID: 16535) 

Sexual Orientation and Gender-Typed Work: The Influence of Perceived Fit on Hiring Decisions (ID: 17362)

Distinctively Good: Challenging Negative Discourses of LGBTQ+ Employees (ID: 17249)

Saturday - June 10, 2017

10:15am - Poster Session - Salon B & Ballroom

The Experiences of Gay Men Attempting to Access PrEP in North America: Implications for Counselling Psychology (ID: 17009)

Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients' Experiences with Counselling In Taiwan: A Multicultural Counselling Perspective (ID: 16863)

Longitudinal Associations between Psychopathy, Bullying, Homophobic Taunting, and Sexual Harassment in Adolescence (ID: 17039)

10:15am - Workshop - Building Resiliency in LGBTQ+ Youth - 2 Credit CE Workshop, 10:15 - 12:15 - Saskatchewan, Main Mezzanine 

11:30am - Symposium - Gay BFFs, Prime Ministers at Pride, and the Mass Murder of LGBTQ Citizens: The Changing Face of Sexual Prejudice and its Consequences (ID: 15942) - Alberta, Main Mezzanine 

11:55am - GIMME-5 - Mirror, Mirror: The Relationship Between Body Image and Sexual Functioning in Gay and Bisexual Men (ID: 16449) - Foyer 1 - Main Mezzanine

1:30pm - Poster Session - Salon B & Ballroom 

The impact of conformity to masculinity norms on gay and bisexual men's mental health, coping, and sexual risk taking (ID: 16907)

Madonna-Whore: Religiosity, Prescribed Femininity and Body Image (ID: 17125)

Swimming in the (Plenty of Fish)bowl: A narrative inquiry into the online dating experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer women (ID: 16909)

School Success and Well-Being for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Students: An exploratory study (ID: 14689)

The Development and Validation of a Novel Measure of Ambivalent Homoprejudice (ID: 16552)

Mental Health Trends and Disparities among Transgender Men and Transgender Women: A Literature Review (ID: 17461)

Perceptions of Sexual Minorities among South Asians in Canada (ID: 17337)

Resiliencies in Transgender and Genderqueer Individuals: Rejection Sensitivity, Stigma Consciousness, Attribution Style and Meyer's (2003) Minority Stress Model (ID: 17307)

Queering the Classroom: Evaluating University Policies on LGBTQ-inclusive Education (ID: 17258)

Becoming Non-Binary: Arts-Based Methods, Local Knowledges, and Affective Activism (ID: 15611)

Reaching Transgender Youth in a Community-Based Clinic: Gender differences in access and presenting issues (ID: 16962)

Coping Motives as a Mediator in the Relationship Between LGBQ-Specific Stressors and Alcohol Consumption and Consequences Among LGBQ Emerging Adults (ID: 16416)

1:30pm - Workshop - Supporting LGBTQ+ Students Through a Natural Disaster: Learning from Fort McMurray (ID: 15502) - 2 CE Credits - Alberta, Main Mezzanine  

1:30pm - Workshop - Outside the Binary: Assessing and Treating Youth with Non-Binary Sexual and Gender Identities (ID: 15609) -  1 CE Credit - York, Main Mezzanine

If there are any LGBTQ-relevant presentations that are not listed above that you would like to see added to the LGBTQ Program, please send the details of the presentation (time, location, type, title, and ID) to cpasogii@gmail.com

CPA 2018 

It's never too early to begin planning for next year's conference! You won't want to miss next year's convention, which will be held in conjunction with the International Congress of Applied Psychology in Montreal, Quebec. In addition to regular SOGII programming, we will also be hosting a 1-2 day International LGBTQ Pscyhology Pre-Conference to coincide with the 10 year anniversary of the 1st International Michigan Summer Institute in LGBTQ Psychology. To learn more and to sign up to receive updates concerning the pre-conference, click here