CPA 2019

The 2019 Conference for the Canadian Psychological Association is being held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada from May 31 - June 1, 2019 

LGBTQ Programming at CPA

SOGII is co-hosting a pre-conference with a number of other sections focused on diversifying and decolonizing the field of psychology. The pre-conference takes place on Thursday, May 30th. For more information or to register, please click here.

As always, the regular CPA convention has a wealth of LGBTQ programming. Below you will find the SOGI and LGBTQ Program that you can download. Please note that not all of the LGBTQ-relevant programming is within the SOGI section, so sometimes more than one talk will be taking place at the same time.

Student Awards

The SOGII Section will present our annual student awards during the 2019 Convention. Each award is usually for $250.00 CAD, paid in the form of a cheque or a gift card. Award amounts are subject to availability of funds each year. These awards include the following:

  • Best Student Oral Presentation (long)

  • Best Student Oral Presentation (short / data blitz)

  • Best Student Poster Presentation

  • The Morrison Award for LGBTQ-Inclusive Research Methods in a poster presentation presented outside of the SOGII section.

To apply for one of the above poster prizes, please send a copy of your abstract, presentation (poster or slides), to To be considered for one of the oral presentation prizes, please send an email indicating your desire to have a judge present and include the title of your presentation, abstract, and time/location of your talk. Oral/Data Blitz presentations must take place within the SOGII section to be eligible for an award. For poster presentations, if you wish to be considered for the SOGI poster awards, please forward a copy of your poster and abstract to no later than May 30th. SOGII poster presentations are available to students presenting both within the SOGII section and outside of the section. This year’s awards will be paid in the form of a $250.00 CAD gift card to


SOGII Annual Business Meeting

The SOGII Business meeting is open to all, including anyone interested in learning more about SOGII. 
Friday, May 31st 4:45pm - 5:45pm
Sable A


SOGII Social Event - AKA Free Ice Cream!

Join us for the annual SOGII Social Event! We are continuing with our annual ice cream social and this year’s event will be held at Cow’s Halifax at 1891 UPPER WATER STREET - directly outside the conference Hotel!
Please meet us at 5:30pm in Sable A (or better yet, join us for the Section Business Meeting in Sable A at 4:45pm).