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Conference Program

Preaching to the Choir:
An online LGBTQ Psychology & Related Social Sciences Conference

It is a pleasure to welcome you to The International LGBTQ Psychology Pre-Conference at ICAP 2018. The conference is being held in Montreal, Quebec on June 24th & 25th, 2018 as one of the pre-conferences for the 2018 International Congress of Applied Psychology, which is being held in conjunction with the Canadian Psychological Association’s Annual Convention. 

The conference theme is “Preaching to the Choir” of International LGBTQ Psychology researchers. What do you want to share with others in the field of LGBTQ Psychology? What methods, research questions, samples, and findings are important for moving the field forward and ensuring that our research collectively remains on the cutting edge? Where will the field be in 5, 10, 20 years? What can be learned from the history of this new field? 

Conference Program

The program is available for viewing on the Trello Board embedded below. As more information about scheduling for live talks is available it will be added to the individual entries for each presentation. In order to access the presentations and conference platform, you’ll need to be a registered delegate.

To view the program, click the image above or this link.

Special Issue of Psychology & Sexuality

Authors of accepted presentations will be invited to submit a manuscript based on their presentation for consideration in a special issue of Psychology & Sexuality. Please note that acceptance of a presentation for the conference does not guarantee acceptance of a paper for the special issue, as space will be limited. The deadline for manuscript submission is February 1, 2021. To view the special issue from 2018, please click here.

Scientific Committee

Daragh McDermott, PhD
Anglia Ruskin University, UK
Editor - Psychology & Sexuality

Cindy Veldhuis, PhD
Columbia University, USA

Julie Koch, PhD
Oklahoma State University, USA

Sharon G. Horne, PhD
University of Massachusetts - Boston, USA

Olakunle Oginni, PhD
Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria

Lynne Gouliquer, PhD
Laurentian University, Canada

Carmen Poulin, PhD
University of New Brunswick, Canada

Todd Morrison, PhD
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Editor - Psychology & Sexuality

Mchal Pitoñák, PhD
Chair, Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Section ICP 2020National Institute of Mental Health - Czech Republic

Ashleigh Yule, R. Psych.
University of Calgary, Canada

Adam Jowett, PhD
Chair, Psychology of Sexualities Section, British Psychological AssociationCoventry University, UK

Gülden Sayilan, PhD
Ankara Yidirim Beyazit University, Turkey

Anonymous Member


LGBTQ Psychology Canada